Marketing Consultant

Set goals institutions over the long term and expand various services through professional experts teams to have to achieve these goals creating marketing capabilities and energy communications to our customers while meeting all the goals of the business to ensure the added values for stakeholders to help customers achieve the best marketing, advertising, public relation and promotion rates and the establishment of Juvenile plans marketing strategy with the appended action plans and timetables for implementation, it is the concept of development to set goals, strategies and action plan, marketing.\r\n\r\nWe aim to maximize the return on investments related to marketing your preparation and implementation of advertising and promotional plans  and program to communicate with customers, whether these plans are on an annual basis or on form Troyjah.oda companies detailed programs for advertising and promotional activities through effective monitoring and follow up and ongoing additions and follow up for updates and improvements to activate based on four pillars are planning framework: {“Where are you today,” “Where are you going,” “Where we want to go” “How do we get there” } provide an integrated array of marketing research services and analysis of market data and performance styles competitors quantitative market and Alnoaah.ttaiwir and provide opportunities for few products beginning to validate the concept and even the successful study of all campaigns and analyze the behavior of the consumer and the priorities of research preparation ( puzzle shopping services ) and to provide the necessary solutions to deal with the preparation and implementation of research and indexing satisfaction and customer satisfaction / Staff development and implementation of rewards prepare marketing studies and filed program.